Spring is breaking out across the United States, and with it come the seasonal allergens of tree and plant pollen that cause many of us to suffer from severe allergies each year. This year is expected to bring a fairly intense spring allergy season in many regions of the country. Here’s what you need to know about allergy season 2018 and how you can keep your allergies to a minimum when the pollen begins to fly.
 Why Will Allergy Season 2018 Be More Intense Than Usual?
You may have noticed over the course of the past several years that your spring allergies have seemed to get progressively worse. A large part of the reason for this is gradual climate change. As the weather starts to warm earlier and earlier in the spring, plants also start to produce pollen earlier and in greater quantities. The result is allergy seasons that last longer and are more intense on average. Allergy season 2018 is expected to fall into this pattern.
This trend also affects which areas of the country are affected by allergies. In Alaska, for instance, spring allergy season is historically extremely mild because of the cooler weather. Over the past few years, though, incidents of severe allergies in Alaska have become much more prevalent, largely due to warmer springtime temperatures.
 What Different Regions Can Expect
In allergy season 2018, high pollen levels are expected over parts of Florida and the deep South, with moderate pollen levels prevailing over the rest of the southern states. The Midwest and Mid-Atlantic states are expected to have a somewhat lighter year thanks to heavy rainfall, with higher levels of pollen predicted in New England and across the North and most of the West.
Thanks to the warmer spring, most regions can expect to see pollen allergies beginning soon. Days with heavy pollen could begin as early as April. Cooler regions, such as the North, will see their pollen levels peak later in June.
 Using an Air Purifier and an Air Quality Monitor to Minimize Your Allergies
There’s no doubt that allergy season is unpleasant for those of us who suffer from pollen allergies. If you want to make allergy season 2018 and future seasons more tolerable, consider using a HEPA air purifier and a good air quality monitor together in your home. The air purifier can remove pollen and other common contaminants, while the air quality monitor can give you insights into potential quality issues with your home air and confirm that the air purifier is combating all of your air problems.
Some of our top recommended air purifiers for pollen include the Austin Air Allergy Machine, Amaircare 3000 and the Field Controls TRIO. For a home air quality monitor, we recommend the Foobot, a top-rated monitor that uses color-coded indicators to tell you about your basic air quality and a smartphone app to give you deeper insights.
Have questions about how to use an air purifier to keep your allergies under control? Don’t worry, we’re here to help. Feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions and help you pick out the perfect air purifier for your home.