Air Purifiers for Tobacco Smoke

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Air Purifiers for Tobacco Smoke

Eliminating the odor of cigarette smoke can be very difficult to do. Often, the homes of heavy smokers will take on a powerful smell of cigarette smoke over the years. Cigarette smoke can easily permeate walls, carpets, furniture, and nearly anything else that is regularly exposed to it. In addition, cigarette smoke can also leave a tarry film on walls and floors over the years. Needless to say, this makes for a very unhealthy environment, as well as, reduces the value of a home over time.

There is, however, a simple solution that smokers can employ to reduce the odor of their cigarette or cigar smoke. Residential air purifiers can remove smoke from the air while in use. In addition, when used over a long period of time, a good air purifier will start to remove the residual smoke that has been absorbed into a home. Of course, this is far from an instantaneous process, as the residual smoke can be deeply embedded in your furniture and even the structure of your home. Using a residential air purifier with a HEPA and carbon air filtration system will begin to remove the odor of cigarette and cigar smoke.

Here are a few helpful tips for successfully removing tobacco smoke odor from your home:

  • Choose an air purifier that is specifically meant to remove tobacco smoke from the air. For example, Blueair units equipped with a smokestop filter system will target smoke particles in the air very effectively.
  • Place the air filter closest to the area of the house with the greatest concentration of tobacco smoke odor. If there is a specific room in your home that is or has been used for smoking regularly, that is where the unit should be positioned.
  • Select the air purifier with the highest overall area capacity. The larger the square footage a purifier can cover, the better the air flow will be. This will also aid in speeding up the process of removing residual smoke odors.(continue reading)

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  By using a high quality air purifier, homeowners can begin to eliminate tobacco smoke odor from their homes. It is a long term process, but it will begin as soon as an air purification system is turned on in the home

Please remember that this is a process that may take time because air must circulate through the filters of the purifier. This is why it is critical to choose an effective air purifier for smoke which can offer sufficient air circulation, a HEPA, and a quality carbon filter to reduce tobacco smoke odors and particles. It is important to understand that this is not instant but an air purifier will definitely help.