Air Purifiers for Dental Offices

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Air Purifiers for Dental Offices

Especially in this trying time with the COVID pandemic, it is critical to have numerous air changes an hour with high quality filtration.  We have selected units to offer various types of filtration for just about ever budget.  As for how many of each unit are needed, this will depend on how many air changes an hour you would like for a given space. 


PreCovid it was recommended to have 8-12 ACH.  College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario takes it a step further to offer a recommended number of air changes an hour related to time required to remove or settling of aerosols in minutes (99.9% Efficiency). (continue reading)

24 results

Ontario ACH Recommendations

To learn more about the calculations or other suggestions from Royal COllege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario has, visit here.


Air Management and Infection Control in the Dental Office Post COVID-19 posted on May 2020 (from Henry Shein Dental) discusses various types of filtration such as but not limited to HEPA, Ionization, UV and more.  It also discusses that the CDC recommends a minimum of 6 ACH for efficient ventilation.  What it doesn't say was if this is pre or during COVID.