A recent study reveals that menopausal women with asthma are twice as likely to be hospitalized than asthmatic men.
A recent study conducted by the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) reveals some interesting insights into how asthma affects middle-aged women. According to a press release published by the source on Tuesday, September 3, asthmatic women in their 40s and 50s — right around the age of menopause — are significantly more likely to be hospitalized as a result of the chronic respiratory disease than men.
“Until puberty, boys have higher rates of asthma than girls. Then, during the menopausal years, women’s hospitalization rates are double those of men in the same age group. This could indicate that asthma may have distinct biological traits,” Dr. Robert Yao-wen Lin, one of the authors of the study, said in the ACAAI’s press release.
With this recent data in mind, the ACAAI recommends that women in their 40s and 50s who have asthma consult their allergists to find out if they need to alter their medication or take other precautions in order to prevent emergencies.
As scientists continue to better understand chronic respiratory diseases, it will help them come up with new ways to treat the millions of people in the United States who suffer from asthma. In the meantime, individuals who have been diagnosed with this affliction can take steps toward minimizing their symptoms and improving their overall quality of life.
At Air Purifiers Direct 2U, we carry a variety of home air purifiers that work by removing pollutants directly from the air so that they don’t exacerbate asthma symptoms. Take a look at our website to determine which of our residential air purifiers is right for you.