Summary for the reader short on time: US Air Purifiers LLC is not Purifier CC. These companies are totally unrelated.
Recently, we’ve been made aware of a problem relating to Google search results in which USAirPurifiers.com has been confounded with an unrelated and apparently fraudulent company by the name of Purifier.cc. When the phone number associated with Purifier.cc, 888-964-5277, is searched in Google, our website is mistakenly listed as the first search result. While we are unsure why Google returns our site in relation to this search, we would like to clarify as a matter of record that we are not in any way, shape or form associated with Purifier.cc or any of its affiliates. As far as we can tell from our own research, this company is entirely fraudulent and exists purely to extract money from its victims without their permission and without providing any real product or service in return.
This matter comes up due to a series of complaints directed to us by victims of the Purifier.cc scam and their banks in recent weeks. Because of the error in Google search results, multiple individuals who have been defrauded by this company and their financial institutions have reached out to us under the mistaken impression that we are the same entity. While we completely understand why these inquiries have been directed to us in light of the Google search error, it’s important to us to clear the air (pun very much intended!) and clarify that we are totally unrelated to Purifier.cc.
Purifier.cc, an entity which purports to help businesses manage customer support and has at various times claimed to offer computer cleaning services, has multiple complaints of fraud against it listed online. A series of reviews left for this company on Trustpilot reveal that they have fraudulently withdrawn funds from victims’ bank accounts without prior permission. Similar complaints registered through WhatsThatCharge suggest customers are being billed anywhere from $1-49 at a time, despite not authorizing the charges.
While the company purports to be based in Florida, charges from it have been tracked back to Burundi, according to the fraud monitoring website FraudCreditCards. The company even appears to engage is the use of malware to direct “customers” to its site for computer cleaning. While we could go on with further examples of this company’s unscrupulous practices, we think the point has been made.
To reiterate, we are unsure as to why a search for the phone number associated with Purifier.cc returns a result for our website. That number, 888-964-5277, appears on the company’s credit card charges and does not appear to work. We were, however, able to find another number, 844-759-0463, where those who have been wrongly charged may be able to contact the company.
US Air Purifiers LLC is a family-owned small business that sells residential and commercial air purifiers, filters, and other home air quality products. We have nothing to do with computer cleaning or customer service management software. We never charge for anything without the permission of our customers and hold ourselves to the highest standards of ethical business practices. We do not now nor have we ever engaged in the kind of underhanded “business” practices apparently associated with Purifier.cc. Aside from a slight similarity in our names, we share nothing, whatsoever, in common with Purifier.cc.
In closing, we would like to extend our sympathies to those who have made the honest mistake of confusing us with Purifier.cc after being scammed by them. While we apologize for the confusion resulting from the Google search result error and have reached out to Google and their legal team to have the problem corrected, there is little more we can do at this time to resolve the issue. If you have been a victim of this scam, we encourage you to reach out to your credit card company and dispute the fraudulent charges as soon as possible.